7 Types of Customers/Clients/Fans

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Having social media accounts, whether on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest… is not only a matter of seeing what the world is up to or having as many connections as possible. Your social media platforms should be a place that allows you to build social relationships with those connections. Your business does not have just one standard customer/client type, but rather a multitude. Each of your clients has different needs and will provide different feedbacks. One of the things you can do to build relationships is interact with your connections; make sure you listen to their feedbacks, keep the conversation going and have personalized gestures towards your customers/clients.

Check out this infographic to see the different types of customers out there and what your behavior should be toward them!


Source: www.marketingprofs.com

So don’t forget that behind social media accounts, there are people! Make sure to value the social part of social media and create long-lasting relationships.

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